Operations & Automation
Solutions for operations and automation in IPTV service providers deliver cost and risk reduction, ROI, and reliable content rights management.
Operator Control Center (OCC)
A powerful operations platform that reduces cost and risk of operational activities in Mediaroom.
Mediaroom operators today typically use the built-in Service Management Tool or “SMT” for making live changes against their video service platform - and this results in long overnight maintenance windows. Encore's Operator Control Centre (OCC) changes this maintenance workflow and decouples the creation of work packages from their execution. Complex multistage maintenance jobs can be created, reviewed and lab tested in business hours and executed with a single command during maintenance windows. Over a typical year, this saves hundreds of hours of overnight maintenance window time.
Centralized management, granular access
This centralized management system empowers all tiers of an operations team, from frontline support to senior operations staff and management. Offering role-based access and job-based architecture, OCC provides a number of useful out-of-the-box tools. For example, your operations team can manage deployments across multiple channel maps, or rapidly assign service collection grants to subscriber groups. With granular access controls, OCC enables less technical teams like marketing and helpdesk with powerful tools to immediately improve customers’ TV experience.
Build new tools
OCC's modular nature makes it easy to build new tools and allow new operational capabilities. Meanwhile, full rollback functionality and audit logs allow you to maintain high standards of configuration management within your mission-critical Mediaroom infrastructure.
Built for full extensibility, this cost-saving IPTV solution is currently being extended to support Ericsson’s MediaFirst platform.
Automated Rights Manager
Provides immediate and continuous ROI by delivering seamless dynamic linear metadata management.
In recent years, there’s been an explosion in the number of devices, formats and methods used to distribute and consume content.
With that explosion, the complexity of rights governing content distribution has intensified - and service providers responsible for enforcing these rights are burdened with increasing operational costs.
ARM is our response to this problem.
Encore’s ARM platform will turn your linear rights metadata management into a predictable, reliable, cost-saving system that provides immediate and continuous ROI.
A proven turnkey solution, ARM takes only a few days to integrate.
It automatically ingests, processes, and programs content provider rights data, helping operators achieve immediate and continuous ROI through the automation of day-to-day operations behind content rights management for features like Timeshift, Restart TV, Blackout, and Network DVR.
Fully extensible and designed for seamless integration, ARM has already been integrated with four leading TV middleware platforms. In addition, new capabilities, rights types, and data formats have been introduced seamlessly with each deployment. With 24x7 rights automation, reporting, and error handling, ARM will highlight conditions where human intervention is required for rights resolution and will learn from those instances. ARM is a commercially deployed and hardened platform with an ever-increasing portfolio of supported content providers.
Metadata Integrity
ARM automatically ingests and normalizes different formats of content rights data received, intelligently applying rights for all video platforms, eliminating the chance of human error - giving back time to your engineers so they can concentrate on more important operational tasks.